Saturday, January 31, 2015

adorbs lazy day outfit

OMG YAAAYY I'm so happy, i finally got better...and i got bored today so i decided to find a cute head and edit or whatever... omg and i dyed my hair blonde and it turned out really well, like i had to do it twice though because i didn't let it sit in long enough and my hair is so thick that only the roots were dyed like total facepalm moment... like seriously.. i felt so stupid... but yeah i dyed the rest after that and it turned out really cute... c: anyways that's it for now...and if you like wanna tell me if something isnt working im the leader of "Royal Pains" the gang in era so just tell me what head/ body it is that is not working or whatever... but like if i don't get it right away don't like beat me c

uz i get confused easily and yeah #blonde@heart XD anyways heres the head and body, credits to emmrgfx for the head

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Okay so I am on my tablet and imngoingbto post ALL of the customs I have on here so YEAAAHHH

That's all for now I will work on editing so yeahhhh bai


credits to original makers ^~^

ew medicine

okay so here i am. I'm going to post the customs FINALLY i am sitting at home with a nasty cough drop in my mouth with netflix and I'm pretty happy...i just haven't eaten in like a day so...yeah... anyways here are the customs that i have on the laptop i will try and post the ones on my tablet but don't count on it...yeah i know its not very much but yeah sorry to dissapoint you...anyways....CREDIT TO ORIGINAL MAKERS

Friday, January 23, 2015


ok, so im at the hospital right now and i am waiting to see my doctor. i am like totally sick and i tried going to school today but then i just ended up having to call my dad to come and pick me up. sadly like i am not home so i cannot post the customs but if i feel at least sorta okay when i get home i will try to post like all the customs from my old site that i still have.....i may not have very many left but yanno i try... welll tbh i wasnt really expecting to start ANOTHER site....but my friend Mooncake...yeah the one and only mooncake told me to make another i did..but right now im about to die bai

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Here is the Blog i am ACTUALLY going to continue, after school tommarow i will comehome and do my homework and then i will transfer all the customs from my old sites (allybearcustoms.weebly, and allydiamondgfx.wordpress) so then this site will have a head start but until then i gtg :D i have choir in the morning and i have to get up so early ;-; anyways bai :D